Are you faking it, instead of making it?
According to Forbes “81% of unhappy employees fake happiness at work”
On average UK employees spend 34 hours at work each week totalling 1,791 hours a year, this period of time can sometimes be longer than the time spent with loved ones & family.
We have spoken to many people who are not happy in their roles, however, they are unsure about whether to take the leap.
We find this so unsettling to know how many people are out there; dissatisfied and unaware of the many opportunities that are there waiting for them… but not for long!

When you start to fake happiness, you’re more likely to:
Not get enough sleep – 66% of people said that this affected them
Feel exhausted – 89% of people who faked happiness at work felt exhausted at home compared to 5% of happy employees
Feel stressed – 595,000 workers admitted to suffering from work related stress, depression or anxiety
Become unproductive – this can lead to 15% unproductivity time over an 8 hour workday.
*stats from Forbes article
What’s making you unhappy at work?
The main causes of job dissatisfaction are:
Poor workplace relationships
Lack of work-life balance
Denial of empowerment or influence within the workplace.
No growth prospects
The work isn’t interesting or meaningful
Feeling unappreciated
When the work-life balance has been hindered – this can lead to severe burnout and employees becoming overwhelmed.

If you’re unhappy in your role, what’s stopping you from leaving?
We have listed a few reasons why you might not be making the leap to an exciting new role…
Are you worried about the unknown?
There’s no doubt about it; change can seem scary. But it’s so unsettling to think that one of the major reasons for people staying in bad jobs is that they just don’t want to risk moving onto something new because they’re comfortable being unhappy.
Do you have a good salary and don’t want to risk losing it?
An upsetting truth is that most people refuse to leave jobs that make them unhappy because they don’t want to lose their salary. We want to disclose a home truth to you right now; you could be levelling up your career somewhere else, being valued & engaged, whilst being paid better than you are right now. It really does make you wonder whether the stress of staying in a job you hate is really worth it.

Are you worried about making the wrong decision?
Many people worry that the decisions they make will be wrong. This means that they are happy not to take any risks… but what if you’re making the right decision? What if you end up in your dream role, with the salary you have always wanted?
We know it’s hard to take risks, but sometimes the grass really is greener… because they water it.
Here at Time Appointments we will always endeavour to level up your career & help you through the process to securing your dream role. From interview & CV tips to motivational pep talks – we’ll be right by your side!
It’s Time to make a change…
To check out our latest opportunities click here. Alternatively you can call our expert team on 01473 252 666 to find out more. Or email your CV to